
should i start writing again?


Update! I unpublished Love You to do some revising φ(-_-ヘ) it just randomly popped out of my head and its literary 1 am in the morning and im doing this(*´-ω-`)・・・フゥ.
          but hey! Its all for this book so whatever...


Hello there! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
          I noticed you added my cpn’s to your reading list! Thank you so much for the interest~~ hope you will enjoy reading them!
          (◡‿◡✿) if you’re interested in learning more about the writing style in general, feel free to send me questions anytime! 


@-Kisaki- (^o^)/hiiii
            Hehe your welcome! I enjoy reading them.  ♡^▽^♡


(o^∀^)Hi guys, I've been reading a lot of Cpns lately and I have taken inspiration from it.  I now want to try to create a cellphone novel,  though I am still learning how it is done. 
          There's been a lot of cpns showing on my browse and some of of the authors I have been following create some juicy cellphone novels(•̀౪•́).  
          I was destined to read one! And now here I am trying to figure out what cpns are,  I have this guide in my library which I think a lot of people have as well it gives me ideas of what a cellphone novel is. 
          So yah that's it for today byee!! |ω・)


@mishiairi hehe i love your cpn, now im just patiently waiting for your next update! (^・ω・^ ) i also cant wait to write my own cpn, i want it to be as inspiring as yours♡^▽^♡