
AP exams are over, meaning I’ll have more time to write! Yay! A new chapter of FFY should be coming soon!


@_eeezz yes thats my book


Hey guys! So my updates are going to be very spread out and inconsistent in these next few weeks. AP exams and finals are coming up so I probably won’t have much time to write. I’ll update when I can! Thank you guys!


@_eeezz omg same for me im updating longer chapters bc idk if ill have tome either


k so I updated yee yee wasn’t planning on doing it tonight but I was really proud of how the chapter came out and was excited to see ur reactions to it so it’s out now ok thanks guys byeeeeeeeeee


@Lil_Applxx ahhh I’m so glad you liked it! 


ITS FINALLY UP OH MY GOSH. it’s kind of boring because there’s A LOT of explanations about what went down, so just power through bc it’s really important for the background of the story lol. Thanks guys!