
Hiii!! So, I’m trying to find something to write about, hoping it’ll help my confidence if I write a small novella for myself. But…my brain is empty! I’d appreciate it if you guys would give me some ideas, it’ll all stay in my docs and won’t be published, it’s just gonna be like a little pick me up to help regain my confidence. Anyway, make sure it’s dark romance ideas! I have no limits <3
          	— Emmy


Is there any chance you could write something with a stalker?


@_emeeks You should do a mafia x maid with the trope grumpy/sunshine I think you'd slay it literally.


I dont have a exact idea right now but all i can think about is strong female character. If you get what i mean because i have no idea how to explain it 


Hey bestie, I saw that you removed Behind The Screen and I'm sad because that was a good book. I know you're struggling and I know what it feels like to have writer's block. I was on hiatus because I had a stroke and had to recover 3 months and when it was time to get back into it, my brain was empty but I found my confidence to write again and so will you 
          You're a better writer than I am, you inspired me to write chapters for my book Hunter's Prey. If you need help with anything, just let me know. DON'T GIVE UP 


Hiii!! So, I’m trying to find something to write about, hoping it’ll help my confidence if I write a small novella for myself. But…my brain is empty! I’d appreciate it if you guys would give me some ideas, it’ll all stay in my docs and won’t be published, it’s just gonna be like a little pick me up to help regain my confidence. Anyway, make sure it’s dark romance ideas! I have no limits <3
          — Emmy


Is there any chance you could write something with a stalker?


@_emeeks You should do a mafia x maid with the trope grumpy/sunshine I think you'd slay it literally.


I dont have a exact idea right now but all i can think about is strong female character. If you get what i mean because i have no idea how to explain it 


Hi!! So, it’s been a FAT MINUTE since I’ve been on Wattpad or have written anything at all. And I feel like I owe all of you an update/explanation. So, here it is: 
          I’ve lost all confidence in my writing, which I hate so much. I use to not care and knew I’d grow the more I’d write, but the overthinking just got to me and I just…don’t write anymore. I look back on my old books and find them utterly cringe worthy. On the other hand, I still love writing and love all of you who enjoy my cringe I’ve written. So, yes, I will be back. But once I’ve gained my confidence back and don’t feel embarrassed about my writing anymore. 
          It might be months, or a year. I just hope I find my confidence again and get back into doing what I love which is writing books and turning all the stories in my head into a real thing (online, ofc ofc). Anyway, I love you all!!! Thank you for those who are still here and following me and who haven’t given up on me yet. I wish you all a (late) happy new year! And sending prayers to those who are close to those fires that have been spreading. 
          MWAH MWAH<33
          — Emmy 


@_emeeks ofc we totally get it girl!


@Izumi227656 | Thank you, honey <33


@Morphine3435 | ILYTTT, thank youuu<33


Heyy babe! First of all, a very happy new year! ❤️
          I just published my book Twisted again, I had deleted it from Wattpad and saved it somewhere else making it lose all the progress. Somehow after encouragement I have just posted it again. 
          I would really appreciate some support to bring the book back where it was. I support back too, like if I see you encouraging on my book, I always return the favour, and if you don't have any book, I always mention for the ultimate support. 
          To sum it up, I would be really grateful for some back bone through my journey. 
          Hope you have a nice day ahead! 


So, I know a lot of you are gonna be very upset with me, I’m upset with myself. I hate that I keep doing this (I MIGHT have a commitment problem now that I think about it) but, I’ve decided to take BTS down and either make a different book or rewrite BTS. The writers block is just kicking my butt right now. And I thought: If I enjoy writing this book so much, then why do I have writers block from it? I’m SO sorry. I seriously feel so freaking bad, I know how much I hate it when someone does this. So just imagine how much I’m hating myself right now. I’ve also decided that I’m not publishing a book until I have that whole thing written down, because girl…I got issues and apparently can’t write a full book anymore [crying face].
          Anyway, my full plan is below if you don’t wanna read all that.
          1.) Taking BTS down and/or rewriting it/ making a different book


pooks thats fine. i love that book but thags fine like ya can take a break or like rewrite its your book likeeeeee BUT IT WAS SO GOOD like highkey but ya can do better wait no but it was good already MY POINT IS you made the right decision from my pers. we love you <3


@ _emeeks  don't feel bad dear x) we still here for you and support you, i feel it's the most appropriate choice to do now , i feel the same way BTS has so much potential maybe rethink and rewrite it because it's too good to let it go like that x)


@qzxotcs | Thank you, bby <3


          I hate to be that person but as a fellow small/first time writer, I'm trying to give my story more exposure! It'd be very appreciated if anyone were to check out my story and drop a vote and comment if you enjoy it or if you're interested.
          Thank You <3.
          utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info &wp_page=story_details&w_uname=omelaslibrary


Hello there,
          Thank you so much for following me, it is really appreciated^^. I hope you have a great day and I will be looking forward to checking out your books and I hope you find something on my profile that interests you. 
          Just letting you know that you're the most amazing human being and please never stop smiling. 
          Sending you lots of love <333
          Stay safe and here's a hug.