Hello hello everyone! Hello to my Filipino followers and/or readers. I am a fellow Filipino citizen and I live in Batangas.
As you all know, Batangas holds one of the smallest, unique and most dangerous volcanoes in the Philippines. The Taal Volcano.
It's 2 am, it's been quiet so far. But today is hectic.
The day started of pretty normally, bright sunny day and then it's 2:30 in the afternoon right? Apparently the volcano started spewing out ash. I didn't know because I live in Batangas city and that's still slightly far.
We only found out when I was somewhere else and my younger cousin say "Nalindol" (Trans. The earth is shaking) and we didn't feel it and we brushed it off, we continued talking (me and my grandpa) and my younger cousin said that Taal volcano is erupting (spewing an ash column about 100m. Tall) and there's a live stream on YouTube.
Now, where I was at that time I found out, is a bit far from the city, and it's 4:30 so I hurriedly went home. The ash clouds weren't as visible.
But when I arrived in the city, the ash cloud is huge and incredibly visible and people are oblivious to what it actually is. Now I arrive home, i live beside the road you'd take to get to taal, you can clearly see it. It's huge. There's lightning going through it. Gradually, the earthquakes are getting more frequent and more stronger.
It's now 2am and It's calm and quiet. I hope it stays that way. I hope it's not a repeat of the deadly Taal eruption of 1754 and 1911.
I sincerely pray for my fellow Batangas citizens, my fellow Filo Armys.