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I got a beanie to try to pass masc and I look like quackity lmaooo

I got a beanie to try to pass masc and I look like quackity lmaooo


I love my girlfriend so much I’m crying help-


I’m gender fluid and I’m proud!

@_enteranxietyhere_ Yes, a fellow genderfluid person! I'm glad you're proud. ^^

To anyone wondering my mom stopped me and started to take me to therapy. I just started antidepressants a few days ago. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I’m sorry for not letting anyone know but my mom restricted internet access to try to prevent me from seeing anything “traumatizing”. still failing school though

this message may be offensive
Suicide doesn’t stop the pain, It gives it to someone else” - [ ] 1: We would miss you - [ ] 2: It’s worth it to be alive - [ ] 3: It does get better, believe it or not, it will eventually get better - [ ] 4: There’s so much you would miss out on doing - [ ] 5: You are worth it don’t let anyone, even yourself tell you otherwise - [ ] 7: There is always a reason to live! - [ ] 8: So many people care about you - [ ] 9: You are amazing - [ ] 10: I don’t even know you and I love you - [ ] 11: I care for you - [ ] 12: There are plenty of people that love you - [ ] 13: Youre literally perfect!! <3 - [ ] 14: There are plenty of people that care for you - [ ] 15: *Ur favorite ship* - [ ] 16: *Ur second favorite ship* - [ ] 17: Sometimes life is hard but it will make you a stronger person don’t worry! - [ ] 18: What about all the things you’ve always wanted to do? What about all the things you’ve planned, but never got around doing? You can’t do them if your dead - [ ] 19: I want you to be alive - [ ] 20: So many people want you alive! - [ ] 21: You won’t be able to listen to Music if you die - [ ] 22: You’ll never be able to listen to your favorite song if you die. - [ ] 23: You’ll never be able to listen to your favorite singer if you’re gone - [ ] 24: You’ll never be able to listen to your favorite persons voice again - [ ] 25: What about that artists song that hasn’t come out yet? - [ ] 26: Killing yourself is never worth it, youll hit both yourself & the people who care about you. - [ ] 27: There are so many people that would miss you,including me - [ ] 28: the clouds - [ ] 29: You are gorgeous - [ ] 30: Someone out there would die for you :’) - [ ] 31: How do you think your family would feel? - [ ] 32: Proving people wrong with your success - [ ] 33: Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life. - [ ] 34: You’ll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day - [ ] 35:You’ll never have the feeling of walking into a cold building on a hot day

Please stay with us! We'll miss you so much. Please don't do it! You probably don't know half the people who have been sending you messages not to do it, and that proves how many people want you here! <33

this message may be
Don’t forget - Your weakness today - Is your strength tomorrow - It always gets better - Your loved ones will remain in your hearts - You always have the memories - Love yourself - Stand up for yourself - Money can’t buy happiness - Those lovers - Just weren’t right - Don’t abuse yourself - Don’t abuse others - Kill them with kindness - Treat people with kindness - We’ve all had these times - There will always be a hole in our chests But - Let’s all be each others’ strength - whether you’re - Black - White - LGBTQ+ - Christian - Atheist - Etc - Love yourself - Love others - Don’t cut - Don’t kill - Don’t criticize - Don’t beg - Don’t do drugs - Don’t starve yourself - Don’t starve others We aren’t supposed to do any of that - Just keep your strength - Keep your faith - Don’t change because you were told to - Be yourself

- [ ] 103: Telling crazy stories - [ ] 104: Treehouses - [ ] 105: Starbucks - [ ] 106: You’ve changed someone’s life - [ ] 107: If you’re gone how will you achieve great things? - [ ] 108: Everyone has talent including you - [ ] 109: Eating crazy food - [ ] 110: Hanging out with your friends - [ ] 111: Nobody could ever replace you - [ ] 112: You have so much to live for - [ ] 113: Your dreams need some fulfilling to do - [ ] 114: Living life to the fullest - [ ] 115: Heck,I would miss you like crazy - [ ] 116: Your family and friends would be devastated if you were gone - [ ] 117: Someone out there is constantly praying to meet someone like you - [ ] 118: Your future - [ ] 119: You could save so many lives - [ ] 120: You are too beautiful to disappear - [ ] 121: You are bigger than any of your problems - [ ] 122: You are never alone during this struggle - [ ] 123: Tomorrow is a new day! - [ ] 124: You are worth more than you think - [ ] 125: But,the final and most important one is, just being able to experience life,because even if your life doesn’t seem so great right now,anything could happen!

“Suicide doesn’t stop the pain, it passes it on to someone else.” Please stay with us <3

this message may be offensive
I'm done today's my last day. My mom touched me when I constantly tell her not to. It makes me so uncomfortable. Then she wont leave me alone when I leave. I wanna die. Nobody would care. My best friend hates me. I'm sorry. I cant find anymore reasons to be here. I guess this is my suicide note. I've tried my best and I cant figure out what to do. Report me if you want. I'm sorry I wasn't good or funny enough to find people who like me. I'm so fucking done. -Presley

@_enteranxietyhere_ Don't go!! There are so many things left to do and see, don't throw away your life because of this! You are worth so much, every life is precious and you shouldn't throw it all away! If you think you can't find a friend or a group that you fit in with, try harder, you'll find someone who likes you for you. Things will get better, I promise you that it will

@_enteranxietyhere_ All suicide hotline numbers: - [ ] Argentina: +5402234930430 - [ ] Australia: 131114 - [ ] Austria: 142; for children and young people, 147 - [ ] Belgium: 106 - [ ] Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 - [ ] Botswana: 3911270 - [ ] Brazil: 188 for the CVV National Association - [ ] Canada: 1 .833 .456 .4566, 5147234000 - [ ] (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) - [ ] Croatia: 014833888 - [ ] Denmark: +4570201201 - [ ] Ecuador: (593) 2 6000477 - [ ] Egypt: 7621602 - [ ] Estonia: 3726558088; - [ ] Russian 3726555688 - [ ] Finland: 010 195 202 - [ ] France: 0145394000 - [ ] Germany: 08001810771 - [ ] Holland: 0900767 - [ ] Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 - [ ] Hungary: 116123 - [ ] India: 8888817666 - [ ] Ireland: +44058457909090 - [ ] Italy: 800860022 - [ ] Japan: +810352869090 - [ ] Mexico: 5255102550 - [ ] New Zealand: 0800543354 - [ ] Norway: +4781533300 - [ ] Philippines: 028969191 - [ ] Poland: 5270000 - [ ] Portugal: 21 854 07 40/8 . 96 898 21 50 - [ ] Russia: 0078202577577 - [ ] Spain: 914590050 - [ ] South Africa: 0514445691 - [ ] Sweden: 46317112400 - [ ] Switzerland: 143 - [ ] United Kingdom: 08457909090 - [ ] USA: 18002738255 - [ ] Veterans’ Crisis Line: 1 800 273 8255/ text 383255 songs that could make you happy "Happy": Pharrell Williams "Walking on Sunshine" Katrina and the Waves “Be Not Afraid” Bob Dufford “Just The Way Your Are” Bruno Mars “You Are Mine” David Haas - fun facts! Otters hold hands when sleeping is they don’t drift away from each other Penguins only have one mate their entire life, they also propose by giving them a pebbles Turtles can breathe through their butts Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by forgetting where they put their acorns Rats laugh when they are tickled Dolphins have names for each other Trees can make friends and talk to each other YOU ARE WORTH IT. You are amazing. You deserve the world. The world deserves YOU.

@_enteranxietyhere_ I'm so sorry that that happened and kept happening. As someone with haphephobia, I can understand how uncomfortable that may have felt, even if my experiences aren't as extreme as yours. I can promise you that things WILL get better if you wait it out. Call 911 like Chaotic typed, please, none of us want you to die. Even if we never got to meet or interact with you, we still care. And I'm sure there are many more people outside of this website that care about you, even if you don't feel like it'll ever be true. You are worth living. You are funny. You are go.od enough and so much more. It's okay to not be okay and if you need to vent some built up emotions out then please do so, maybe with a scho.ol counselor? Or again, 911. I'm not sure if you're okay. I'm not sure if you're alive. I'm not even sure if you're reading this but I really hope you are since like I typed, none of us want you to die. You're a human to.o and you deserve to be loved. I'm sorry if this message never reaches you or if it doesn't help you feel better. That's okay to.o. Just remember that you can do this. You can survive. You can reach out, take as much time as you may need. Just take it one step at a time. You're not alone. There are many other professionals who can help you. But for now, I just hope that you're safe and that you can type to someone you trust. And if we already lost you, then I'm sorry. And I hope you have a happier existence now. <3