
>r e - p o s t  +  new story c.s
          	happy belated easter ! 
          	the rant book's back up ay, it's up and running on my profile so go check it out. i have reposed old works as well as new ones, oh and i also have a new theme which is pre cool.
          	watch out for the first chapter of "Seashells" the spin-off / prequel to "i, wish". i'll probably be posting that later this week so look out for that :)
          	much love,


>r e - p o s t  +  new story c.s
          happy belated easter ! 
          the rant book's back up ay, it's up and running on my profile so go check it out. i have reposed old works as well as new ones, oh and i also have a new theme which is pre cool.
          watch out for the first chapter of "Seashells" the spin-off / prequel to "i, wish". i'll probably be posting that later this week so look out for that :)
          much love,


>r e - p o s t
          "i wish," has been re-posted ! BUT this time there's an afterword. y'all should go check it out if you hadn't, there's an announcement towards the end (the afterword) involving a spin-off ? what ? o.O
          much love,


>a n n o u n c e m e n t
          hey loves, as you may not have noticed i have been on a short hiatus (lol if you call a year short). for those who are wondering about where all my stories went, do not fret. they are still alive i have just unpublished them for some major editing. i promise i will be re-publishing them and new works soon. thanks for those who have stuck with me throughout all my 'breaks'; y'all rock:)
          much love,


>N O T E
          I realize I've been on hiatus for a while now so tada, I'm back! It was actually from the amount of votes on TDQ and mostly on HGA as well as some follows that made me think that I should seriously post something as a thank you to those votes and follows. Thank You!<3
          >U P D A T E
          Chapter Nine of The Dark Queen has been posted. Link: https://www.wattpad.com/203632620-the-dark-queen-09-chapter-nine
          Chapter Twenty-Seven of His Guardian Angel shall be up shortly.