
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah….I’m so sorry I haven’t been updating lately I got so occupied with Exams. In Shaa Allah I will try my best to update…Jazakumullah Khairan for Your endless efforts and as you understand❤️


@_fatima__h wslm..ur exams finish?


Assalamu alaikum sister.
          Have you read this book?
           I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you haven't then you are missing out. Do give my book a chance and I hope you fall in love with my writing. Do give me a follow if possible.





I will. In Shaa Allah



Ma Shaaa Allahh❤️


a small token of kindness (9th November 2021) 
          far down the path of ironed atrocities, there is a spectrum of truth that burns a bit; a fire ignited to turn either to blueberry bliss or a to a bath of butterfly burns. world melts down to passionate poverty, an altar with ancient rhymes drawn into the skins of poetical ghosts. heavy is the mind with the tracks of the bygones, the sun a shamless reminder of the presence of trail marks. 
          under the terror of the flammable summer, the nights a healing blue, the Neptune stars take control; souls seized by swirled skins of pearls and golden hues. much of the world has left, much of it returned to the footprints of the birds and the claws of the buried Pharaohs, yet the whispered honey of bees remains desperately against the beats of a heart; clogging it with December's call of rebirth. 
          life is lost like the yellow twigs of a snowflake earth, sucked into oblivion, into a pool of its own existence. there is under the eyes, a layer of ornamented vapours of esoteric marmalade, a thickness of the season's clock tricking the eyes into a cropped sorrow; the lamp of happiness a gift of permanent punishment. 
          in itself, the sky is a motherless child, a little fawn with a pair of uncertain eyes. all alone, in the gardens of precipitated tears, a privy rainbow of late blooming shadows. where there are only hypothetical muffins, pages of crisped cold breath and falcons of mystic regrets. 
          perhaps that is why there are stars and clouds in the sky; to draw your attention, to bring you to its remembrance. to grow stale with you, in sunsets and in dull nights. to wash the world with your own dirt and to define the road with an ink that echoes. 