
Um guys I’m gonna give my ocs/au and my account away to my friend @nico_the_skeleton because I’m not gonna be on this account anymore 


Guys this is important I might get kicked out the house  and I’m worried am doing I might not be on this account anymore 


@wonderspacetime no if we don’t get the papers to them they were gonna change the locks to the house but soon we are gonna move somewhere else 


            Wait your getting emancipated?


            It’s alright 
            Our friend had found the papers for us to stay in the house thank god that my friend found the papers 


   .    □□ □□□
          。   /  ☆+
            (  +☆
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          。  /  
          " Have a good day/night wherever you are! And always remember that I care and love you(as a friend)! "
          [ I'm posting this to everyone I follow btw! And  maybe some ramdom peoples! ]