
It's release day for my first self-published book Whiskey Kiss!! WK is a spicy brother's best friend's sports romance! Get your copy today!! 


I feel like it's been a long hot minute(are people still saying that?)since I have been on inkitt. But I guess it has been a while since my last real update on stuff. So let me give ya'll one, and this may be a little wordy so work with me here. :)
          My last update for part two of Dean and Callie's story was 6 months ago I think and I'm not sure if I ever really gave a wall post update on them so here it is. Dean and Callie's story is on hold. My main reason for this is how triggering it is. I really put these characters through it and show the dark sides of what mafia life could very much be like. My second reason is because I wanted to see if Galatea would be interested in a full contract for that story, so far they have said nothing or offered one.
          It is currently sitting in a folder on my computer unfinished and for the time being it will stay that way. I think about Dean and Callie's story often. they still sit in my mind and bug me from time to time because I started it. Part two was never a plan but I got so much interest in a part two I started it. But it gets dark and there is a part of me who isn't sure I am ready to share something like this. Authors put a piece of their soul into their stories and I'm not sure I'm ready for people to see that side yet.
          I am focusing on other things. I have a completed first draft of one story and am currently working on a story for a resort themed Anthology coming this summer. I got the secret billionaire trope. xD
          But I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here, I'm still writing. I'm just kind of lurking in the shadows while I handle my personal life and my author life.


I may have started another story today... The idea just wouldn't leave me alone last night so I'm writing some of it out today. 
          Dean and Callie's first draft is almost finished! I still need to do a read-through and make edits and stuff. But hopefully, it'll be off to Galatea for more edits in a month! There's so much happening in this book I'm almost worried it's too much, but I'm a sucker for twists and turns and a mafia story is perfect for them. 
          Also! Galatea is publishing Tessa & Dominic's book two. It is being edited and I should have a release date soon. 
          Thank you for all the support everyone! 


I Shouldn’t Fall For You is being published to Galatea soon and will be removed in the very near future, probably a few days. Book two I Did Fall For You will probably also be removed at the same time. 
          Also as a general update, I am working on new stories however due to the theft that has been happening on wattpad I may only publish to Inkitt. I do suggest following me on there, my username is the same _gorgeousin. Book theft is turning into a bigger issue and I'm just not interested in being a victim. I spend months slaving over a computer and sometimes messing with my own mental health to allow myself to publish on a site/app that doesn't protect its writers the way wattpad is at this time. 
          I love all the support my stories are getting and if you are enjoying them and want to read more when I finally share them do follow me on inkitt(it's free too!) 


Its happening. A Broken Promise is being published to Galatea on Sept 14th! I will be removing all but 3 chapters later tonight(I am US based). So you have time to finish if you want too or you can read it on Galatea when its published and help support me! :) ♡♡