
Guys I'm deleting my expect the unexpected story. It's just not going where I wanted it to go so I'm going to delete it, figure it out ( what I need to re do and add ) and then post all of it instead of it just being there and not getting updated that Offen.
          	But good news my main story "alone and dangerous" is going to be updated today or tomorrow 


Guys I'm deleting my expect the unexpected story. It's just not going where I wanted it to go so I'm going to delete it, figure it out ( what I need to re do and add ) and then post all of it instead of it just being there and not getting updated that Offen.
          But good news my main story "alone and dangerous" is going to be updated today or tomorrow 


Hey guys, I just wanted to say ( because I forgot to at the beginning of my most recent chapter ) that I am dedicating my last few chapters to fivesecxndsofsummer  ( 26 reasons why I miss you ) because they are so amazing at thinking of ideas and them portraying them in their writing and I just live their books !!
          So yeah, please check them out because that's where my inspiration is from and also they are just an aleph d amazing account !!


Hey guys, okay for starters I'm so thrilled to have 1.16k on my book!! 
          I never thought it was even remotely that good or that many people would read it so thank you to every single one of you who have supported it!! 
          Also, I haven't actually updated my first story ( alone and dangerous ) in a while because I've been so caught up writing all sorts of different story ideas and plots for my second book ( expect the unexpected ) that i haven't had time, so I'll get right back on that ! Sorry, I got a bit carried away with it.
          Please Comment if you like my second book and if you like the idea behind it because I care about your guys opinions, after all, your the ones reading it ! :)
          So yeah that's pretty much it, thanks again for everything, you guys are amazing !!