
Just finished writing the last chapter of WHEN THE WORLD CATCHES FIRE! You can read it on February 1st! Keep your eyes peeled for the update!


To all my fellow writers if and when you get the chance I recommend reading the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's an amazing read and it helps with inspiration and writing. I would recommend buying it instead of getting it from the library because you are going to want to MARK IT UP! Underline, highlight, take notes etc. Ugh... I can't even explain to you how amazing this book is. I just finished it and am reading it for a second time to mark it up. It truly is filled with absolute MAGIC and I'm not kidding! I mean Harry Potter kind of magic. There's just something about this book that just fills you up.
          So when you get the chance please read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I promise you'll find at least one thing you need to hear IF you are open and ready for inspiration!


Do you know what I hate the most? Myself. Now don't get me wrong I do love myself. It's been a long difficult journey but I do love myself. I just hate when I sabotage myself. Like I want to write. I LOVE writing but the second I'm like okay let's do this I'm literally like ooh I'm hungry or I really want to watch that one Asian drama and since I don't speak the language I have to actually watch it. Why am I like this?!