if y'all knew me in 2019, 2018, 2017 or even 2016-no you didn't
Reading Lists
if y'all knew me in 2019, 2018, 2017 or even 2016-no you didn't
if y'all knew me in 2019, 2018, 2017 or even 2016-no you didn't
I miss the days when I would turn up my night more and sit down to x readers and stories that are filled with feeling and a voice. I miss all the rp I used to do and all the "friends" I had. I miss coming on hear thinking people where waiting for me as I saw that so many had tagged me in silly chapters and small announcements. And now all this app has become is some sort of "cringe filled" as people keep on calling it. This use to be such a amazing place filled with all kinds of artist yet people of course change and move on.. Some start hating it and some "mature" and have better things to do. We even get busy in live and forget everything. I miss my friends. I miss my happiness... Tsk sorry to who ever is reading this stupidity I'm sorry to bother y'all I just needed to let this out I guess.
I'm losing fallowers ;-;
Hoi! I'm not going to use chur real name so I will just say, Princess. I have missed you very much. I know we met kind of in a weird way but I'm glad we have become friends. You're so sweet to me all the time and I just don't know how to take it haha. You're honestly one of the nicest people to me and you always ask what is wrong and I love tha abotu you. The amount of care you show for the people you know is amazing. I just want to say that even when the world feels dark, you are th elight that keeps some people going so keep shining princess. Mucho love <3
Lol I kinda miss using Watford but like no one is on?? Plus everyone has probably forgot me lolol ;>; If ya wanna talk then suureee! Most of the time I go on instagram instead of here soo Here's my insta- @starderpistrash
Ik no one gives a fuck but guys what do you do when you feel a whole bunch of pain from your chest when ya start thinking of someone??? ItS KiNda iMpOrTaNt cAuSe tHiS sHiT hUrTs mAn-
@Starderpistrash I do give an F and yes I feel the pain, the shivers and that cold feeling going LITERALLY thorough your spine and then hit your heart and "Damn u for beeing so hot!" phrase. And the worst it that sometimes you're not even thinking deep about that person, u just remember their face and THERE IT GOES THAT FREAKINNG PAIN! ! !
Happy birthday undertale! 3 years of happiness y'all! May our legacy continue!
If y'all hate this update theres a guy or gal Idk that made a petition to get rid of it! www.change.org/p/wattpad-remove-harmful-update-on-wattpad?recruiter=871207443&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition
@Starderpistrash I got 300 notifactions this mourning and they aren't even for me. I want to delete wattpad because of this silly spam..
Why does it say so many are writing on my clipboard??? I havent been on here and this is just randomly happening..someone plz explainn
This update is obviously shit I dont want to know about other people oK? I OnLy cArE fOr mY fAn FiCtIon aNd iF tHe aUthOr iS Ok nOt sOmEoNe cUsSiNg oVeR seXual kInKs-
Today is my birthday- Every day I am closer to the sweet embrace of death :3
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