Alrighty then——
All I can say is that Cyrus’s crush on Jonah is BARELY mentioned, and on the recent episode, it just made it even worse.
Buffy moved to another state, but she came back two months later, which is basically the next episode after the episode she left.
Jonah sang a song for Andi, which was mostly written by Bowie (the song).
Andi kissed Jonah (on the lips), in FRONT of Cyrus, which made Cyrus unsure of what to feel/say. He just smiled, but you can clearly see clearly on his eyes that he’s hurt.
After that episode, Andi started dating Jonah.
And then, on the recent episode, Cyrus told Buffy that his crush on Jonah is ‘gone’. It all happened in a snap of Thanos’s finger. Most jyrus shippers lost hope, and decided not to continue watching the show. Tyrus shippers are happy, because this means that they’re ship has a chance of happening.
And then, once he told that, Buffy has a crush.
On Jonah.
Then Ham decided to go out and travel the world. Bex and Cece remodel the fringe to make it into a hair parlor/beauty salon/stuff like that.
The writers are really messing up the storyline write now, because we don’t know what’s happening. With Cyrus ending his crush on Jonah, and Buffy NOW having a crush on Jonah, while Andi is DATING Jonah.
It just doesn’t make sense/add up, ya know what I mean?