
Hi how is it


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Have you ever been shoveling snow with your  siblings cuz you live in fucking Saskatchewan Canada and you sister just frustrates you so much that your trying to hold back tears and then you go in the house and your parents start questioning you so you break down in tears. And then they say that your just over reacting and it's not a big deal and you should just let things go. So you try and tell them that you can't and then they say they understand but they dont understand cuz you just realized how bad your anxiety is and there is only 3 people  in you life that somewhat understand but you don't get to see them everyday.
          .... yeah long day.


So how's life treating you.


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Hai. Who else just watched Pacific Rim and absolutely fell in loooove with it. I would love to be a Jaeger piolet that shit looks hella fuckin dope. Like, k-i just. I aM sHoOkEtH. 10/10 would recommend watching its on Netflix.dude this movie is so well plotted and amazing. My absolute favorite part is when the Gipsy dragged damn boat down the streets of Hong Kong to beat the SHIT out of a pregnant, acid spitting, flying Kaiju. If you have seen it yk what I'm talking about but if you don't go watch it pls this movie is so fucking good I could go on and on and on. Like shits legendary.
                  I tell ya ✨ l e g e n d a r y ✨ if you've seen it comment your favorite Jaeger (mines the Gypsy Danger)