
Rindu wattpad :)


@_hyun_yunzz rindu tunggu update kak hyun 


Okey, sekarang ni, cerita hyun yang mana satu kau orang tunggu ia terbit?
          Hyun sebenarnya mmg dah ada plan semua. Tapi just nak tahu buku paling ramai orang tunggu. ❤️


@ _hyun_yunzz  Aihana Ken2!!!!!


hi, i just read your yandere novel and thought i should share my thoughts on it ( ^ω^ )
          first off, the main character herself. i absolutely adore how you wrote her as i can resonate with her a little bit. i used to want to be a writer just like yandra, but never did because of my fear of criticism ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ but what makes yandra the main character was because her passion for writing and her determination to write!! (despite the backlash) 
          i totally get how dreadful it must feel like for her as the author, and me reading that part almost made me cry ( T_T)\(^-^ ) 
          second is how good you are at executing the emotions in the story. totally got me immersed into reading the whole thing!! sometimes i have to put the book down when there are parts that got me emotional (T⌓T) especially the part where nevin told her the truth, ah sumpah that part is so heart wrenching every time i think about it :(
          last but not least, i wish for your success and happiness in your writing journey, dear author. may Allah bless you with many blessings <33 (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡
          also, my fav quote from the book: “God made us met each other for good reasons we never foresee.”
          thats all from me and sorry for the long comment (◞‸◟ㆀ)


@wistful-eyes Hyeee. 
            Thank you for taking the time to read and review my book, review awk buat Hyun happy n snyum time baca. Hyun harap awk sntiasa dipermudahkan segala urusan dan dimurahkan rezeki, your feedback is greatly appreciated! luv u ❤️


Kenapa ek, asal dari wattpad je org x suka, asal dari wattpad je org benci. Padahal banyak lagi apps lain yang ada dlm dunia ni ttg penulisan. Tapi asal sbut dari wattpad je dilabel sbgai itu ini. Bila fikir balik, bukan penulis dari wattpad yg brmasalah, tapi pemikiran org yg kata wattpad negatif slalu tu yg brmsalah. Hati dia brmasalah. 
          Org tu label smua penulis dri wattpad problem dah macam dia dh baca smua karya dalam wattpad ni. Entah2 yang dia search tu yang tak kena. Semua orang ada rezeki masing2. Tak payah label smua penulis wattpad sma smata-mata sbb bbrp kes. Aku yang sbgai penulis wattpad sjak 2016 ni pun terasa. Apatah lagi yang lain. 
          Lepastu sbbkan manusia2 yang mcm ni lah, penulis2 wattpad yang baru jadi tak yakin dengan diri n karya diorg tulis.
          Kau tak suka, kau diam. Esok kalau jadi benda ni kat kau, benda yang sma baru kau tahu mcm mana beratus manusia yang terasa dgn ayat kau tu sakit. 
          Just good luck and get ready jela diri kau untuk minta maaf dengan beratus atau beribu penulis dri wattpad yang baca comment kau tu. Kalau bukan di dunia, settle akhirat. 


Kalau rasa story tuh x baik lah ade unsur lah ape lah, x yah baca. Settle masalah. Yg baca story gitu biar dieorang tanggung sendiri.


Lagi2 yg underage kan. Dah tau umur tuh x lepas lagi 18 tahun jangan lah gatal2 nak baca yg ade unsur …. Memang lah ade segelintir kata x elok lah ape lah xpi bende dah remind awal2 kan, tanggung lah risiko sendiri. 


@_hyun_yunzz yea. mmg skrg spe yg baca wattpad dipandang serong. pdhl awl ii dlu wattpad is just wattpad. tpi disbbkn segelintir jdi pengguna tk berhemah ,smua kena tempias