
Two updates in one day after, like a MONTH of nothing? Wowow


Just saying at halloween i either want to be ash from pokemon, link from zelda or something along those lines (we are having a party where you have to dress up even if its just us idc, but we have friends right? @gayspanner


@Kay_xxxx come onnnnnnnnnnnnn.


@Kay_xxxx k created group chat with hannah


@Kay_xxxx   @gayspanner we r going to town tomorrow and then back to mine wanna come? XD


so I'm trying to update my chapter and the font is really weird. I wrote the first bit on my iPad and I'm now on my NEW laptop so is that why? can you change the font? idk, but if you know what's up (doc) can you tell me? it? *silence* *lets themselves out*


@paggi20 I don't know you could try copy and pasting it, deleting the part and then starting again?