
I'm sorry for things I've said in the past, I have sincerely changed. Holding onto things will only destroy everything that is left. 


1) do you stay up watching Netflix till 3 am
               is that not a normal thing?
          2) do you leave the house to be more social
             who even does that? I don't.
          3) do you cry over boy bands? 
              hell yeah
          4) is pizza your girlfriend / boyfriend?
              yeah obviously. 
          5) do you spend most of your time on the internet? the real question is what time am I not online.
          6) do you have crushes in people you have no chance with? yeah uh i do and it's a really embarrassing one where I'm not naming names
          7) are you "dating" a band member?
             yes ashton is mine.
          8) would you lounge around in pjs if you could? duH
          9) do you wish to be skinny, but to continue eat junk food and lay in your bed? that's my whole life in one sentence wow...
          10) are you invited to parties? nO and when I am I never go because I hate everyone
          I tag; @fuq-luke


@_insane "i hate everyone" im getting that one tattooed