
@MelissaRebhahn Thanks I will check it out now!


@Suicidal_Optomists_  Yeah lol, I'm not really confident in my writing skills so I didn't really want to post anything. I used to have a story up but deleted it, it was super crap, I read it and felt so ashamed that I once wrote like that! Haha. The only reason I have a new story up is because not that I'm taking Higher Education English, I feel like I may improve along the way and be able to look back on what i used to be like. My English teacher encouraged me to post a story so it's all thanks to her hahaha.


hey thanks for becoming a fan, i haven't had the internet lately so i haven't been able to write any more chapters, but i will be continuing to write tonight, so would you mind giving me a comment on the chapters i have done, any advice would be greatly appreciated :') thanks! x


S-M-A-C-K *You've been hit* . Did it hurt ? You have been considered one of the prettiest >>GIRLS<< ever ^^. That's right sucker . Once you've been hit, you have to hit 15 pretty girls . If you get hit again you will know that you are really pretty .  So hit 15 pretty girls on your friends list to let them know they're pretty. :D


if u wished living in a american when ur 18 why dont u move u could get a better education and a better jobd doing something that would be safe then being in the army that could also me more a better life for u and ur kids if u have any i guess :) just some advice take it form me