


Hey guys.
          No update today but I had to edit a few chapters and tweak a few things so they matched with the later plot down the line. 
          I have mainly edited the prologue but I will mainly edit everything.
          For the time being , my school show has finished sadly, I bawled my eyes out last night. But I do still have things to get into place. Like get back into routines catch up on all my school work and more. So this week and potentially nexts weeks update won’t come out. Again, I’m so so sorry, but I don’t want you guys to have short bad chapters to read. 
          This is all for now I will update you guys during the week
          Bye lovelies 


Hello lovelies. 
          I know I didn’t post a chapter last week,
          But both last week this week and the week after are gonna be busy times for me.
          I have a show next week meaning I have more rehearsals. 
          I will try and get a chapter out tomorrow but it’s not guaranteed.
          Thank you so much for the patience ❤️


Hello, my lovelies
          I have decided to give you guys a sneak peak of the prologue. I will not be doing this every week but since Friday is the first update of the story AND it’s my birthday, why not? I know it’s not a lot, but every paragraph matters in this prologue. 
          Sneak peak:
          "Mama! Papa!" She shouts and jumps onto the bed. "Good morning amore mio. How did you sleep?" "I had the best dweam ever, papa. Me, you, mama and all of siblings went to the bweach and swam in the water and ate ice cream and.." she continues documenting her dream.
          It’s small I know. But this was one of the most calming paragraphs.
          For now, you’re gonna have to wait until Friday (my birthday wink* wink*)  for the first real update of Young Truth. 
          Hope your happy and safe, until next time ❤️


Good morning my loves . Young Truth is finally out !!!
           I just posted the welcome and the synopsis  which you guys can make any inferences you want to make from there. 
          Next week, I will post the prologue which will be our first chapter!!
          Join me in this journey my loves, it’s gonna be a long one. 


Hello, my lovelies.
          I have such good news to share with you. Young Truth is coming out this week. 
          I'm so excited to say this. I promise the writing in this story is improved than Mafia Search. I've got this whole story planned out so don't worry, no more plot holes.
          Yous' first chapter will come tomorrow, and from there all updates you guys will get will be on Fridays:) 
          I will not post the synopsis as tomorrows chapters will be based on that. Your first chapter that is based on the setting of the story will be the week after, which is the 31st, my birthday!!! :) Thank you to all who waited for this story to be posted and I hope you enjoy it. 
          Hope you're excited for this journey. And until then, goodbye :)


365 days. Oh my God. It has been such a roller coaster this year and I can’t wait to find out what 2025 will bring.
          I’m so excited for the new releases that are to come include with young truth. 
          More on the info will come out in a couple of days but in the mean time I hope you had a jolly Christmas ( if you celebrated it) and have a happy new year!!! 
          See ya later alligators  


Bruh there was meant to be a heart after alligators :(