Hi, aku mau minta maaf, aku tidak bisa update karna kebelakangan ini aku sibuk banget, aku ini berasal dari Malaysia jadi ceritanya ada percampuran bahasa antara indo-eng-malay jadi jangan heran kalo ada percampuran bahasa di dalam story aku ataupun mana-mana sahaja
Dan aku juga minta maaf, karna aku tidak akan update selama 2 bulan kedepan.Kalo aku tidak sesibuk sekarang aku akan update...
Terima kasih
If there are followers from other countries and are not from indonesia or malaysia or do not speak indo or malay please read this...
Hi, I want to apologize, I can't update because lately I'm very busy, I'm from Malaysia so the story is there's a mix of languages between indo-eng-malay so don't be surprised if there's a mix of languages in my story or anywhere else
And I'm also sorry, because I won't update for the next two months. If I don't get busy now I'll update...
Thank you