


okay so the story that i have updated is a story i have been working on for a while so I have five chapters finished and I'll be updating the prologue Saturday and each consecutive update will be on a Saturday. Thank you.
          I'm so excited ;)))))))


so i have been really think and I'm going to unpublish all of the stories that I don't think are adequate enough for my account anymore.
          I just think that it'll be better if I have to or three stories instead of however many I have. -Jen


this message may be offensive
I feel like shit all the time and I've been updating these shitty stories that I don't enjoy writing and I just can't do this anymore. I need a break from everything. I just need to take a step back and think about everything that is happening in my life rn. I need to sort everything out before I end up exploding and making a wrong decision.  This is goodbye for probably a really long time until I feel like being on Wattpad makes me feel happy. So I just want to say farewell.