
Guys, please follow @1DhasMyheartXX, read her story and follow her!


Guys, I am so so SO sorry I haven't updated for so long. I've been busy with the end of year assessment(because I live in Australia I finish the school year in December) and I left school early to go to Indonesia and everywhere that I have stayed so far has either no or really really slow Internet connection(thanks a lot Telkomsel). And to top it all off I don't have my chapter drafts with me(I left them back at home) so I can't properly write the next chapters, only brainstorm them. I'm coming back home in a week but then it's down to Canberra for the rest of the school hols so I will probably update in the beginning of February. I really hope you don't take this as an excuse as to why I haven't updated;it's just a reason.
          I'm really sorry to all you guys who have been waiting for the next chapter and I'll update in the beginning of Febuary