
All I can say to the Duffer Bros is... wow


Can you finish the Anastasia romanov and the originals story


Hi friend! Sorry for not responding sooner! I promise Anastasia and the Mikaelsons will have their story told but I’ve hit a dry spell with a lot of my stories and needed to take a step back. Also Netflix has taken down every season but season 5 of The Originals so I’ll need to see what I can do to work around that
            Xx Jess the Ravenclaw 


Everybody can I just take a moment and my little criminal psychology brain nerd out whenever I read that a bad guy is loving to his family. Like, come on; true psychopath/sociopath behavior right there, to be able to switch from real evil bad guy to family man in a flick of a switch...
          Real scary stuff right there... and I've listened/watch some of the real deal serial killer stuff. I think there's something wrong with me


Hi friends! Announcement time! I’m going to be on and off of Wattpad for the next couple of weeks. Lent is finally here and due to a specific program I doing with some of my girlfriends Wattpad is by default something I have to give up. So I’ll see y’all later this’ll hopefully give me time to work on some things and I can have some updates on Sundays. So with this I bid you all adieu!!!