Alright you guys, so I've got big news for you this time around!!!
1. I've entered Run Just Run into the 2019 Wattys! It's probably not going to do very good, but I might as well try, right?
2. (And this is the bigger news) I'VE RELEASED ANOTHER BOOK!II've been working on this book since about December, and I haven't posted it on here yet because I was waiting for the right time, waiting to get more of the book written, just waiting. And what better time to release the book I'm most proud of, than with a bang. It's going straight to the Wattys.
Crazy, I know, but I'm entering it. Over the next week or so, I'll release somewhere around twelve or fifteen chapters, (WHICH IS ALMOST HALF OF THE ENTIRE BOOK, SO! SURPRISE AGAIN!)
This book, I feel good about. This book, I'm proud of. This book....I'm really excited about, and because I'm literally releasing it straight into the worlds largest writing competition, it's probably gonna fall flat on it's face but I'm super excited about it and I couldn't think of a more ridiculous and awesome way to release what is by far my best book yet. So here we go, find the first couple chapters on my profile! It's called....drumroll please.... FIND YOUR OASIS.