
this message may be offensive
holy shit it's been forever since i wrote something here on wattpad, and i've got so many freaking messages from like a year ago to update 'jawaani' but guess what? that's a dead book that little-kid-me wrote. guess who's coming up with a big-kid-me version of it? YES IT'S HAPPENING and it'll be in paperback once it's done, hopefully i'll actually finish it LOL luv you guys k bye


Cool beans, JUHIDI!


this message may be offensive
holy shit it's been forever since i wrote something here on wattpad, and i've got so many freaking messages from like a year ago to update 'jawaani' but guess what? that's a dead book that little-kid-me wrote. guess who's coming up with a big-kid-me version of it? YES IT'S HAPPENING and it'll be in paperback once it's done, hopefully i'll actually finish it LOL luv you guys k bye


Cool beans, JUHIDI!


OOF so i'm back and on popular demand i republished jawaani, even though i'm not going to update it looool what's up wattpad, any good books?


@_juhipatel consider it a done deal, thanks for the idea!


@rosyapsara if that's something you're interested in then i can, but i'm not planning to, no !!


i'm genuinely so so sorry i've been gone for so long! yikes to all the unwritten chapters and unresponded private messages! but i'm back now, hopefully going to write more, but if you want to stay in contact outside of insta, there's always my blog juhipatel.tk or my official instagram, @_juhipatel so that's always another option. 
          i am definitely working on more stuff, and i'm super super excited to announce that all my old books are going down the drain (i know it sounds stupid, but listen!) i'm rewriting them, as i've gotten much better at writing and i'm 1000000000000% sure you'll love them (if you liked the originals, that is).
          sending lots of love to my followers, supporters, fans, fellow bollywood fanatics and heart-hurting, starstruck, hopeless romantics, xoxo.