
I don’t know if any of my followers aree still on here. But guess what?? “The cru” Is  getting revamped rn as I type ! So stay tuned my loves ! 


Can you update 'The Cru' please 


@_killakilla_ omg. Aww. Yay. I'm so happy. I honestly thought I wasn't going to here from you or anything. But I'm glad your going to continue. It's a really good book that I love to read and everything 


@ChloeBallard So  i might just continue with this book


@ChloeBallard you just made my night boo . I wrote this book when I was younger and I stopped because I had no  idea what I was doing but I recently just got  back on wattpad and  was thinking about rewriting it  now that I'm much older filled with more knowledge 


So like I've been thinking about putting The Cru on hold for a minute . I feel like it's getting bowhere and idk what im doing . Plus i'm starting on a new book that should be published later on next week that I an excited for.