
Hey Princess, 
          Guess what? My book, Rakshas Aur Rajkumari, is in full swing!  It's a dark romance with a Desi theme, packed with smut, angst, and loads of drama. Think grumpy x sunshine, forbidden love, and an age gap trope all rolled into one tantalizing story.
          I’d be over the moon if you could dive in and share your thoughts as the story unfolds. Your feedback would be like sprinkles on my literary cupcake.
          Thanks a million for considering it! Can’t wait to hear your take.
          Here's the link:


Assalamualaikum/ hey!
          If you are someone who love to hide their face behind the book which contains mysterious stuff with a touch of spirituality to connect you to the characters in a deeper way, then check out my new book.
          'A Mazed Heart' contains a mysterious plot, thrilling tale and a lot of suspense to indulge in. 
          If you love the Mystery/Thriller genre, then check out this book.
          It's also a spiritual book focusing mainly on spirituality from varied dimensions. Check out this book if you are intrigued by this genre.
          Attaching the link of AMH below. 
          And yeah, don't forget to leave your thoughts. It is the only prize and price an author gets for all of his hardwork :)


          I hope you are doing well.
          Apologies for sliding into your profile, but do check out my story if time permits. It will mean a lot!❤️
          It's a slow and subtle blooming arranged story with a realistic backdrop and real, relatable characters that you would certainly connect to.


          I hope to you are currently accepting reading requests. If so, I would be honored if you could spare some time to read my new book ‘WHISPERING SHADOWS.' It's a mystery thriller that I've poured my heart into, and your feedback would mean the world to me.


If 18+ n Dark IndianLoveStory Lover??
          Check this out...
          ???A Cruel immoral fall in love with Moral.
          Tapish Adyanthaya-- was a world that didn't seek light in eyes; it turned light into a blindfold, calling it a game of until she entered his life. She was born into a world that made him, yet she stood far from its center.
          Sahej Luthra-- there was only one thing that set her apart from the people of her world, and that was her morals. Then one day, she encountered a person who would challenge her moral values.
          . . . . ╰──╮ꨄ︎╭──╯ . . . .
          Look at you, how you're breathing and trembling in need-craving my touch,"
          "Shut up, Tapish"
          "Then Shut me Up"


Hi, I hope all is well. I apologise for spamming on your wall. One of my friend is writting an Indian Royal romance story and she needs support as this is  new journey for her as a writer. If you're interested into Indian stories, you can check her story. I'm sure you will like it 
          Here's the link to her story: