
Got a new cover for Will You Save my Soul!! If you all like it let me know! Thanks to everyone who has been reading my story  and showing support with votes and comments! I LOVE YOU GUYSSS  




i have to catch up asap omG!!!


Yesssss, she is a QUEEN


Got a new cover for Will You Save my Soul!! If you all like it let me know! Thanks to everyone who has been reading my story  and showing support with votes and comments! I LOVE YOU GUYSSS  




i have to catch up asap omG!!!


Yesssss, she is a QUEEN


My book just hit another rank! We are now #220 in ChickLit guys!! I could NOT do this without each and every single person who has tapped that vote but or left these amazing comments! You guys are what encourages me daily and I feel so thankful for you guys❤️ I love all of you so much! 


Lol, I was so excited 


Aw thanks Sab! I've been dancing around my kitchen all morning❤️


omg congrats girl!!! that's awesomeee ❤️


My book is ranked #334 in Chicklit right now!! Oh my gosh I really can't right now! I'm so excited thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has loved this story and been supportive I LOVE YOU GUYS AND YOUR COMMENTS MAKE ME LAUGH AND SMILE AND I WISH I COULD HUG ALL OF YOU!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️


You guys were so amazing I had to surprise you with the 3rd chapter today! Thanks again for everyone who has shown support. You're a rockstar in my eyes and it's been amazing to start writing again when I haven't in a few years and be greeted with people interested in my stories! I know for some people 70 reads isn't a whole lot and that is fine if you feel that way, but to me I'm so touched to even have ONE person who connects and relates to my story somehow! If just ONE person laughs, cries, and grows with my story, I feel lucky so 70 is just mind-blowing to me thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart! Happy Thursday and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


So, Will You Save My Soul or WYSMS reached past 50 reads and has 25 comments as of this morning! I know for some people this isn't much but I just wanted to say for me this is so exciting and I wish I could hug every single person who voted and commented and just.. GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I love you all!


Thank you Sabine  


congrats girl!!! ❤️❤️