
@Hijabi-Soldier THANK YOU!!! I ship them too much 


im doing swell (surprisingly lol given nanojuly is coming at light speed) but im glad you're occupied with new adventures we'll be here patient as ever so no worries babe <3
          ay how's the photography internship? hopefully that's not stressing you omg (idek i have been up since eight pm last night and sleep is clearly not in my alley) 


hello my muslim friends! it's a long shot as i'm not entirely sure any of you are going to see this, buuuut i'm a photographer (nah, just an intern, to be honest) and i've been tasked to take photos of people during friday prayers. any tips on what i should wear? thanks!


@beautlies thank you so much, love❤ this is going to sound really silly and stupid, but i have to make sure: do i wear the long skirt over the jeans, or can i just wear either of them on their own? 


@krittein If you have a long skirt, it's even better.


@krittein A loose jeans and a long-sleeve shirt/t-shirt. Also a scarf to cover your hair :)


this message may be offensive
Hello everyone! How are you doing?
          Just wanted to apologize for being AWOL for a while. I had to get my shit together (and it's still a work in progress) and I thought being away from the things that distract me the most would help, so I had to break away from my social media accounts (including this) to focus on the things I had to do.
          Unfortunately, I can't promise you any updates because frankly, I have nothing good to offer yet. I wish I did though, because I miss reading your lovely comments. <3
          I hope everybody's doing great! I can see a lot of new stories (and updates) going around and I can't wait to read 'em. :)
          My Kik has been re-installed, so if any of you wanna chat for a bit, send me a message there!
          (P.S. If you watch How To Get Away With Murder, we have to be best friends and share theories. Or else. Heh.)
          Janie :)