
Oh god, my mind is numb it's all blank 
          	My bua dadi (my grandfather's sister) passed away today, 
          	She was so close to me, she was just like my grandmother 
          	My grandmother left me when I was 11 so she always love me like my grandmother 
          	And that's why I'm just I don't know how to say this but its painful 
          	She was beautiful sweet kind she was an angel 
          	I hope her soul rest in peace❤️


@kimtaehyungxyn I can understand dear.  I aslo had gone through with it 


Sorry to say author if you are really going to update this much late then im sure you're readers going to forget pervious chapter so please try to post soon 


@MkSh53 please update next part 


Oh god, my mind is numb it's all blank 
          My bua dadi (my grandfather's sister) passed away today, 
          She was so close to me, she was just like my grandmother 
          My grandmother left me when I was 11 so she always love me like my grandmother 
          And that's why I'm just I don't know how to say this but its painful 
          She was beautiful sweet kind she was an angel 
          I hope her soul rest in peace❤️


@kimtaehyungxyn I can understand dear.  I aslo had gone through with it 


Omg omg I can't believe you guys are too sweet just like honey  so should I call you honey 
          You guys are my honey ," it shows that the speaker cares about and loves the person they are speaking to. Additionally, it can be seen as a way to show appreciation for the other person.
          I search it on Google (cause I don't want to sound cringe) 
          Hey I just read my previous chapters and i realised I have change my way of writing a bit (not how I write) I mean I realised I was so cringed back than and its been a whole year I didn't end this shit☠️, 
          So don't worry im going to end this soon ‍♀️ 
          But but but 
          I'm gonna make a sequal of this 
          With new plot as I have mentioned before that I have change many parts in this story im gonna change many plots in sequal too, 
          Anyways today is my fast and+ I don't have anything to do (i can't sleep in fast) so I'm gonna post today 
          This story will end in 2-3 chapters
          I hope you all will stick with me 
          Tata by by 
          Take care and I love you 
          One more....
          Stream FRI(END)S


Happy New DREAMS
          Happy New HOPES 
          Happy New CHANGES
          Happy New YOU 
          May Everyday Of Year 2024 Be Fill With Joy And Happiness For You And Your Family, 
          My resolution for 2024 was that I want to become the best version of myself I want be healthier & happier than ever, and in 2024 I will 
          Become the best version of myself  
          Every one remember one thing 
          AND it's okay if you have  made mistake in 2023, we all learn from our mistakes right, 
          It's okay if you had hard times in study, work, hard days in living 
          It's okay 
          You are brave you are strong you fought with all those hardship 
          YOU ARE STRONG
          YOU ARE UNIQUE 
          YOU ARE YOU 
          That's what makes you BEAUTIFUL, being yourself 
          Cherish yourself LOVE YOURSELF  
          I'll pray 2024 and the other upcoming years too will be the happiest year for you and your family, 
          And let's wait for our BTS to come back in 2025 
          Till than let's support this new group name bangtan, stream their songs 
          They all are really amazing and passionate 
          Till BTS come back I'm gonna Stan bangtan 
          I'm a bell now☝️
          Once again HAPPY NEW YEAR