
@Lady_Mist10 yep lol i jst turned 20 on the 5th this month i was 16 when i got pregnant n then married so ya lol im not that old lol ya i kno what u mean cuz i would be writing a story but then i would start another one without finishin up the first well that is good that u go off from stories u write that inspired u i do that too lol n im happy for u that u graduating soon cuz i kno its hard sometimes to do all that school stuff lol so what do u plan on doin after ur done with school  


@Lady_Mist10 yep lol i jst turned 20 on the 5th this month i was 16 when i got pregnant n then married so ya lol im not that old lol ya i kno what u mean cuz i would be writing a story but then i would start another one without finishin up the first well that is good that u go off from stories u write that inspired u i do that too lol n im happy for u that u graduating soon cuz i kno its hard sometimes to do all that school stuff lol so what do u plan on doin after ur done with school  


@_livy_lou_ wow how old are you Im barely turning 18 in the summer and that's cool and yea school made me loose track of my stories every now and then or sometimes i was working on something else . And yea i love to read vampire drama books with good love triangles, and its good to read that way you can write your own stories since thats what inspired me to write. Yea it is i will miss it a lot and yea i dont feel ready for that and yea Im graduating this monday hopefully but yea I could of graduated last year


@Lady_Mist10 ya i kno what u mean i been out of school since last year cuz i graduted from GED n i lost track of my stories but im goin to be wrkin on them again i really like vampire n werewolf stories but i jst dont kno if i would be dat good at writing one lol so i read them instead n ya it is hard to leave school cuz u miss everything bout it n u gotta grow up after u leave lol so why havint u graduted yet