i got sexually harassed by this older guy i was talking to over discord who later told me to kms and said i was a suicidal bitch just because i wouldn't roleplay sexual acts that made me feel uncomfortable. using terms i didn't like referring to my genitals assigned at birth. i brought it up to the server owner, a person i considered a close friend, what was happening. he started defending this other guy, and saying that i'd grow out of my depression because i'm only 15.. the guy proceeded to tell me that my depression was affecting him and making him depressed too, and how he wanted to die because of me, and that i should just kms anyways since i talk about it so much... the others on the server never stood up for me, they just wanted me to grow up and stop being sad...
this is the second time i've been harassed online, the first time being when i was twelve when a 17 year old 'transgirl' kept flashing her penis to me and saying she wanted me to wear stalkings and be her little trans femboy b*tch ..
idk how many times i'm going to be used like this.. but ok,, whatever, i'm used to it