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So on October 20th we were having some drills at school. We knew we'd have an earthquake drill sometime during 2nd period. We had been warned and everything and all packed up, so it was okay. I was touching butts with people under the table so that was awkward but it was alright. Then, of course, we had a fire drill that was just calmly announced. So we went outside blah blah blah. After that we went to break like any normal day. Some little shit pulled the fire alarm. There was no fire. Right after we just had drills. So we evacuated to the field where everyone was going, me and 2 of my friends. We were then told to find people from our 3rd period class and line up with them. Then we were told to find people from our 2nd period class and line up with them. So eventually I found my 2nd period class and lined up, they were all the way at the end of course. It was pretty scary, but there wasn't a real fire so everything was okay. We still don't know who pulled it, but they are fucking evil. So today I jokingly said the alarm would go off again. I didn't actually expect it to go off again, but they didn't reset it from the day before. Today was a short day so we had been almost done with 3rd period when the day before we would've been at break. So today we gathered all of our stuff and walked our asses down to the field to line up. If this happens more then we're going to be the most prepared children ever. Do I hear 3 days in a row, 3 days?