Hey guys, if there are any of you left who actively read my severely outdated stories. Long time no see.
I'd lie by saying I've been working hard on new stuff for you, so I won't lie. I haven't been working hard on new stuff, in fact I'm just now getting back into the swing of writing. I'm not even sure if I'm getting into a swing, lately I've just been inspired to write a bit more than I have in the past months.
Anyway, I should say why I've been gone. Last year was beyond hectic. Since my last post way back in February of last year, a lot has happened, but I'll save you the boring stuff and get to the real reason I haven't been active ANYWHERE in so long.
My dad was killed in an accident the day after thanksgiving. It's been hard, but I'm healing, or trying to at least. And I know, "But that was 4 months ago, you've been gone for a year," and I can explain. Junior year. And next year I'll be a senior. I just got my driver's licence and school is legit driving me insane.
Anywho, I'm trying so hard to write good stuff for you guys to read. And like I said in that rewrite announcement on BWAS, I might just relaunch this account altogether. Whatever I decide, I hope you guys can stick with me and be patient with me. My world has been flipped upside down and shoved in a blender. It's so hard to feign being okay sometimes.
Thanks, and lots of love,