
Oppa : a person who came into your life and changed your expectations about perfect man .




@rxvieee gosh !!!! Thanks I needed that (T_T) I purple you


Please don't mind . I seriously need to rant . 
          So , I had gone to a marriage party tonight and I had to fetch a glass of water for my lil brother .
          There were 2 taps and I was filling water from 1st tap . A guy were standing infront of the same tap to refill his cup , waiting for me to move . And in the mean time the 2nd tap was empty . 
          Then the guy's friend told him that 2nd tap was empty and told him to stop being distracted . And then they started laughing . Loudly
          I , then , realized they were talking about my chest . For filling water I had to bend a little and god knows what of my non existent cleavage was visible to them so they were being "distracted" . 
          If I was alone I could've made them more "distracted" with my heels . 
          These boys , I won't call them men because real men don't disrespect women . They call themselves manly . And guys who respect girls become feminine . 
          The heck is this toxic masculinity .
          I was so pissed . I was wearing a modest outfit and still those "boys" were , I repeat "distracted" . 
          This really needs to stop . 


@dark_mist_19208 my heels are in my hands rn. I swear if I find them they'll have non - existent asses soon!!! 


Thank you Soo much for judging my work...I won second place in humor....I am sorry for the late reply.....I had been busy. 
          I love the review that you have given me and it is a perfect blurb! Can I use it an one? :-)
          Thank once again....means alot :-)


@mas384 Ahh that's my pleasure . It's ok to be busy :) 
            Yeah you can use that one if you like . 
            You're welcome 


“Then I realize my voice is worse than my problem” 


I meant your bio is hilarious