
"Lost in the night, a cold wind, in your eyes I only see black and my heart is your toy in the shadows I can feel your breath, your hands caressing my soul, your silence, so sweet to contemplate although I am lost in the night, the sun continues to shine so brightly, and although your hands caress my soul, my heart longs for your warm embrace but I know that you are not for me, you are just a dream that will never be, a fleeting moment in the night, you will fade away when the sun shines as the sun rises, I must accept that I will move forward, with my heart stripped of your sweet touch, your voice so true, but in my heart I will always have you as I move forward, my heart will mend, and even though you are gone, our love will transcend, becoming a memory I will always cherish, a precious moment I will always contemplate."


"Lost in the night, a cold wind, in your eyes I only see black and my heart is your toy in the shadows I can feel your breath, your hands caressing my soul, your silence, so sweet to contemplate although I am lost in the night, the sun continues to shine so brightly, and although your hands caress my soul, my heart longs for your warm embrace but I know that you are not for me, you are just a dream that will never be, a fleeting moment in the night, you will fade away when the sun shines as the sun rises, I must accept that I will move forward, with my heart stripped of your sweet touch, your voice so true, but in my heart I will always have you as I move forward, my heart will mend, and even though you are gone, our love will transcend, becoming a memory I will always cherish, a precious moment I will always contemplate."


Mi vida es re interesante, se mató mi ex (31 de diciembre), se me declararon y el pibe se puso a planear la boda (hace 3 o 4 días), me viven internando por anorexia, esquizofrenia, insomnio, ansiedad y depresión, estoy funada por decirle negra a las que me hicieron bullying 3 años seguidos, se hicieron una cuenta de twitter para que me mate y ni siquiera mi edad pusieron bien, mi mejor amigo ya se cansó de mí, mi mami me odia, el novio de mi mami me tiene pena, le jure a alguien no matarme, ni abuela esta deprimida, siento que soy una mierda, quiero cambiar pero no se como, soy re inteligente y se que tengo problemas y se que me mienten cuando dicen que soy el problema pero yo me hago la tarada y decido creer, tengo la madurez mental de alguien de 20 años, si te digo mi edad te asombras :) 


@ jungkookdescabellado  tqm bestie <3


Creo q ya lo sabes pero enserio eres muy fuerte, si necesitas alguien para hablar puedes contar conmigo faitin fuerza leona auuu 