Just a little reminder. An x reader means the reader is the main character. It is not somebody you create. I don’t care if it’s ‘just a random name and description’ it’s not an x reader. I don’t care if you don’t like (Y/N), just don’t put in a random name because that makes it the opposite. You already control what the reader says and does and making everything else yours makes it not a reader. Reader insert is when the reader is in the story. Not “okay so I have this character that I created and I guess you can imagine yourself as them”. Even if you use (Y/N), if you have a description, it’s not an x reader. Not everyone has brown or blonde hair, not everyone has brown or blue eyes, and not everyone is white. If you give your character that is supposed to be a reader a name and/or description, it is not an x reader, it is an x oc and you should stop baiting people who came for it.