
I'm having an existential crisis. 


I am confusion...? 
          So this guy murdered this girls best friend in cold blood and she was mad at him for it and the ENTIRE comment section was mad at him for it. I don’t care if you “simp for him”, he killed her best friend. Of course she would be mad. 


Just a little reminder. An x reader means the reader is the main character. It is not somebody you create. I don’t care if it’s ‘just a random name and description’ it’s not an x reader. I don’t care if you don’t like (Y/N), just don’t put in a random name because that makes it the opposite. You already control what the reader says and does and making everything else yours makes it not a reader. Reader insert is when the reader is in the story. Not “okay so I have this character that I created and I guess you can imagine yourself as them”. Even if you use (Y/N), if you have a description, it’s not an x reader. Not everyone has brown or blonde hair, not everyone has brown or blue eyes, and not everyone is white. If you give your character that is supposed to be a reader a name and/or description, it is not an x reader, it is an x oc and you should stop baiting people who came for it.




I love how a rude author can turn me completely off to a book. Was just reading one I thought was good but people were making jokes and funny remarks on something (none of them were even rude) and the author cussed them all out because they didn’t find the jokes funny. Like what?