Guys! I have an important exam coming up on 12! So I apologize for not being regular. But I promise to be active here more!
So, I took a little time to join an award contest as you have seen.
But promise I'll be regulare from 13.♥️
If you don’t plan to continue Claimed with Love could you please out of courtesy let your readers know. I also need to take it out of my library if you don’t plan to.
Guys! I have an important exam coming up on 12! So I apologize for not being regular. But I promise to be active here more!
So, I took a little time to join an award contest as you have seen.
But promise I'll be regulare from 13.♥️
Guys, finally!! I will be updating this as I go on. Please love and support it like you supported and loved Wrong number.
Thank you, Muskaan.
So, I was browsing through the pinterest and found this masterpiece. Look at his eyes- so Vihaan like- I fell in love. What are your thoughts?