
Assalamualaikum. Hope you’re doing great InshaAllah. JazakAllah khairun for reading my work “her vocation”. Hope you liked it InshaAllah☺️Would love to hear your thoughts on it❤️


@_neemarh Alhumdulillah Alhumdulillah so glad to hear that. I subconsciously add it islamic elements in all of my books. Or at the very least try to write stories with lessons hidden within. Hope you would like to check out my other works too InshaAllah❤️JazakAllah khair for sharing your kind thoughts❤️May Allah swt bless you with true guidance and make your heart firm upon it. And May Allah swt become sufficient for you in all your affairs in dunya and akhirah. Ameen☺️


@alin958 Walaikumsalaam, am good alhamdulilah..I absolutely loved it, you know I'm a very big fan of Islamic romance..I just loved the way you brought Allah swt into the book.. MashaAllah, may Allah continue to reward you