Wattpad's celebrating LGBTQ month this June. Wattpad has already changed their colors, and they created a banner that you can download if you'd like to show the colors too
I already changed mine!
Spread the word if you wish to, here is the link to where you can download the image - http://a.wattpad.com/image/user_wp_cover_bg-copy.jpg…
Have a nice day!
Wattpad's celebrating LGBTQ month this June. Wattpad has already changed their colors, and they created a banner that you can download if you'd like to show the colors too
I already changed mine!
Spread the word if you wish to, here is the link to where you can download the image - http://a.wattpad.com/image/user_wp_cover_bg-copy.jpg…
Have a nice day!