I can't believe that our prefinal exams will be next week already. February went on very fast as if it was just a blink of eye lmao. We'll be fucked up with projects soon enough
Tomorrow will be our title defense. I am nervous about our topic because I have a feeling that it will be rejected or will have major revisions ☹️ wish me luck guys!
Finally, our chapter 2 is done!!! Although there are still many projects to do, somehow it lifted my deadass spirit. If only you guys could see the dark circles under my eyes, I look like I'm a member of My Chemical Romance LMAO
School works are fucking me up I am so stressed right now. Exams are finally over yet we still have a lot of requirements to fulfill. I don't even know whether I did good or no because the specialized subjects are hard as fuck. Alot of us even cried because gIRL WE DON'T HAVE A CLUE ON HOW TO ANSWER THOSE OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD QUESTIONS
Hello! I'm back after being on a hiatus. I created two anime fan fictions. The first one is Attack on Titan X Reader oneshots and the other one is Todoroki X OC. I hope you guys support me, thank you!