
Heej, zapraszam serdecznie do czytania mojej nowej książki pt. "Ja i Ty". Książka bardzo przyjemna, wspomnienia z wakacji gwarantowane i bohaterowie, których nie da się nie lubić. Miłego dnia, będzie mi miło jak zajrzysz i ocenisz! <3


Thanks for the follow! uwu~❤ Are you ready to become a '모니' (Monie) -- my fandom name?


@_olvaso_ I apologize for the late reply. Thanks for sticking around, even if you only read one book I consider you a Monie. And yes, I do send out all my followers a thank you message, because truly, it's Monie that makes me an author. Without you guys I'm nothing, literally. So I appreciate each and everyone of you. ❤


Hah you’re welcome❤️ Aand yes I’m ready, although I think I gotta read more of your works before I can call myself a Monie hah
            Your writing style is really good thou so I think I’ll stick around for longer than I’d though I would
            By the way, do you send all your new  followers a ”thanks for the follow” message? Coz that’s really adorable 