
Hello lovelies! I would just like to say that once I reach 500 reads, maybe 50 votes, and 25 comments is when I'll update. The update is in the works currently, and it's gonna be a long chapter with two parts. I hope we can reach this mini goal I set for myself together. Because without you guys it's not possible. Thank you for those who have stuck with me from the beginning, and is still currently rocking with me. It means so much to me to know that you like what I'm doing, and if you don't please let me know. I would love to get some feed back every once in awhile. Any who peace, love, and happiness to you all :) ! 
          	- Zykia G. 


Hello lovelies! I would just like to say that once I reach 500 reads, maybe 50 votes, and 25 comments is when I'll update. The update is in the works currently, and it's gonna be a long chapter with two parts. I hope we can reach this mini goal I set for myself together. Because without you guys it's not possible. Thank you for those who have stuck with me from the beginning, and is still currently rocking with me. It means so much to me to know that you like what I'm doing, and if you don't please let me know. I would love to get some feed back every once in awhile. Any who peace, love, and happiness to you all :) ! 
          - Zykia G.