Just a reminder - if you comment something rude or offensive I will warn you. If you continue to disrespect me and what I ask of you you will be blocked. ❤️
Just found your breakfast club story, Loser, cant wait to get to read more ^_^ And I saw you had an Iggy fanfic! I absolutely love that series MaximumRide is so awsome! :)
You have been chosen to be showerd in affection. Please post this on the boards of everyone you beleave deserves all the affection.
If you receive~
1-2: Your very nice
3-4: Your popular
5-6: Your a very loveable person
7-8: Your an amazing person
9+: I'm jealous
Break the chain to break a heart.
Hey!! Sorry I didn't see this until now - probably either "He's Mine" or "Thank You for the Happiest Year of My Life" !! I just really enjoy the storyline and work I've put into them!
Just a reminder - if you comment something rude or offensive I will warn you. If you continue to disrespect me and what I ask of you you will be blocked. ❤️