
Hey guys. Just letting you know i changed my name :)


@_pigapig uououooouoiouuiughjiu8z6trdtgfzu7


Hey guys, I know it's been ages since you guys have had regular updates for my Ereri book... But basically starting next week I am hoping to get back into my old routine. Which means weekly updates should start back up soon!! Recently some stuff has happened and I am hopefully going to be back standing on my own two feet soon. I will not even think about abandoning my story and I have an idea for the ending you guys deserve! Though don't worry, the story won't be ending anytime soon!! I love you all and thank you all so much fro your support. The amount of messages I have gotten telling me that they like my story or even my username is amazing. You guys are what makes me able to write so thank you. If you have an suggestions don't hesitate to send me a message. I am also thinking about deleting my OneShots book and creating OneShot books for any good ones... If that makes sense... That means I could be writing more OneShots for anyone who followed me for my OneShots!! Yay!! Suggestions on what you think should happen to that book are also appreciated. Even sending me a quick "HI" could simply make my day!
          Have a wonderful day!     


Very sorry everyone but I have been focusing so much on school and stuff that I haven't been able to write a chapter this week, the Valentines Special will still be uploaded tomorrow though so make sure you check that out.  


@L0STinWOND3RLAND uh. Sure. I am gonna take it sort of slow cause last time I had to many, I overwhelmed myself... but I will make it number 1 priority! I will also put you down as a motivation person thingy...


@L0STinWOND3RLAND *blushes* y-you're welcome... I guess...


@dat_drunk_pig Just making a story for them is perfect! Thank you very much piggy-chama