// I FORGOT I HAD THIS if you wanna cb and specify I'll get to you tomorrow //
Reading Lists
// I FORGOT I HAD THIS if you wanna cb and specify I'll get to you tomorrow //
// I FORGOT I HAD THIS if you wanna cb and specify I'll get to you tomorrow //
// cb and specify //
// * jaw drops to floor , eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest , awooga awooga sound effect , pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out , slams fists on table , rattling any plates, bowls or silverware , whistles loudly , fireworks shoot from top of head , pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth , wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead , clears throat , straightens tie , combs hair * ahem , you look very lovely .
[ @kyuji-_- ] // okay , what the actual fuck did i just read - // " um . . . thanks ? "
" yo ! sorry about bumpin ' into ya , lemme help you up ! " * dusting herself off , miyuji held out her hand to the orange haired male . a apologizing and awkward smile on her face * names miyuji shan ! president of the light music club !
thanks ! but ya don ' t have to tell me I ' m talented , I ' ll end up getting prideful and cocky with time ! * miyuji teased and helped the boy up , she didn ' t recognize him for anything except for \ sometimes \ being at the strawberry thieves concerts *
[ @lightmusiclub-- ] " oh , i - i know who you are . . . you ' re all really talented . and , uh , don ' t worry about me . " [ getting starstruck in front of MIYUJI SHAN , OSANO NAJIMI took her hand , silently fanboying to himself . ]
// cb and specify i ' m in an osano mood today . //
" hi osano - kun !! have you seen my sister ?? she said she would meet me here but she isn ' t here yet ! have you ? have you ? "
[ @_pink_is_for_boys_ ] " oh , okay ! thank you osano ! I ' ll go ask ayano \ ayato . I hope she ' s okay !! "
[ @littlebrother-- ] " senpai ? i ' m not sure . i think i saw her last with ayano / ayato . maybe you should try with them . "
" thank you again for the bento - box , osano - kun ! " * taeko hugged her childhood best friend and smiled *
[ @_pink_is_for_boys_ ] * taeko quickly pulled away from osano , a blush on her face * sorry ! and I ' m glad raibaru wouldn ' t mind ! I ' ll thank him \ her later for stealing their best friend * she teased , smiling innocently . completely oblivious to osano ' s crush on her , well not COMPLETELY . *
[ @rainycl0uds- ] " uh , yeah , no , no big deal . i - i can sit with you . . . raibaru would understand . . . " [ RAIBARU FUMETSU was actually the one who always encouraged osano to spend more time with taeko , so it would be fine . ] [ he blushed as taeko hugged him tighter . ] " a - alright , that ' s enough . "
[ @_pink_is_for_boys_ ] " i ' ll eat it for lunch later , do you want to sit together today though ? I know you usually sit with raibaru but I was just asking " * taeko smiled , hugging osano tightly . she didn ' t mean to do it in a weird way or anything *
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/221520875408225502/ my new headcanon and you can't change my mind
// cb and specify i ' ll get to you later . // 1 - full starter 2 - short starter 3 - one liner @ - family # - lover $ - best friends & - friends * - acquaintances ( - enemies ) - frenemies % - yandere positive : - cats - cooking - gardening - music - sports negative : - drama - occult - science - video games - violence neutral : - anime - art - cosplay - family - friends - gossip - justice - martial arts - memes - money - nature - photography - reading - school - solitude
@_pink_is_for_boys_ you choose but I had two ideas first one 2 ( % \ ayano is the yandere btw \ neg : violence second one 2 ( neg : violence
you’re taro’s / taeko’s childhood best friend ? I suppose it’s nice to meet you . . although you’re probably already heard of me ! kizana sunobu , the drama club president ! i am quite curious . . what did happen to your childhood friend ? he / she doesn’t seem to be here currently ! * kizana flashed a smile , her head tilted as she questioned him . *
oh ? amai / amao odayaka , the cooking club president . it’s too bad what happened to her / him . she / he didn’t deserve her / his fate at all . i do hope they find her / his killer . * kizana nodded . * oh ? thank you ! we do try our hardest , we want to be the best we can be , of course !
[ @rivaledtalent ] " oh . i think he ' s / she ' s mourning over the cooking girl / guy . . . i hope he ' s / she ' s okay . . . ugh , not that i care , of course . . . but yeah , i ' ve heard of you . you ' re club is quite impressive . maybe not my cup of tea , but still . it ' s cool to see you all work so hard on your plays . "
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