Hello honey piess
I have just uploaded character reveal chapter on my book called *Being the bad boy's weakness * so check it out if you got any free time and also feel free to take part in the competition. (for information check out the chapter)
I really want you guys to check it out and take part it's an initiative so tht v guys come together and closer and be not just followers but a big family!! ❤
I love you all a ton do not forget!! ❤
till thn keep loving and supporting ❤
love love!! ❤❤
I hope you are well.3or4 months ago you used to read a story "Last 40 day of life".But due to some account problem I discontinued it.Now i am writting it again with some changes in my another account.Hope you will be kind enough to checkout that account and will follow me back.
New id:@Ahsan42