regarding the updates of Hunting X Heroes X Villains
hi! it’s been too long hasn’t it? i’m sorry to keep you all waiting, i’ve seen the comments that are waiting for another chapter (i want another chapter too dw). even if this is no excuse i want to explain my sudden hiatus.
my mind isn’t in the best place right now. my book was started with a place of optimism in mind, with lots of energetic speech that draws readers in. i wrote that book with childish excitement in my head, going through my own journey full of hopes and dreams.
but that all changed. my social anxiety has only been getting worse and worse and i overthink to much to the point that i have 5 drafts of the same chapter, written and deleted. papers of possible plots and twists, all crumpled and trashed.
i keep thinking about how to maintain the same tone i did when i began the story, trying to remember that fleeting happiness i felt when i first began writing my story for your enjoyment.
but that’s over now. i realize i can’t satisfy other people if i don’t satisfy myself, so my story might take a darker turn in terms of feelings and thoughts.
and i won’t rush myself. i have a life to maintain as well.
i hope you’re all okay with this, and i hope it will be up to standards.
- k