Subjek: Kerjasama NOTE: saya sebenarnya orang Indonesia yang sedang bekerja sebagai AE di salah satu aplikasi novel Letterlux. Semoga kamu bersedia membaca pesan dariku. Terimakasih. Jika tertarik hubungi nomer saya ya: +62881036186343 Hello. I am Sheila would like to introduce a writing platform that is Letterlux. Letterlux is one of the English-language novel writing platforms around the world for writers who want to publish their work here. What are the benefits? There are benefits to exclusive and non-exclusive contracts. Let's see it through. *EXCLUSIVE BONUSES* 1. BONUS SIGN ~ $100 (after the book publishes 30k words) 2. MAB BONUS ($200) ~ publish at least 50k words in a month ~ can only be claimed for one work ~ publish 1k words in a day ~ no more absences 4 times in a row in 1 month ~ no more absences 4 times in a row at a time throughout the year 3. COMPLETION BONUS (customizable number of ending words) ~ $200 = 30,000-119,999 words ~ $300 = 120,000-149,999 words ~ $400 = 150,000-190,990 words ~ $450 = data of 200,000 words *NON-EXCLUSIVE BONUSES* 1. BONUS SIGN ~ $50 (after publishing 30k words) 2. Completion BONUS (customizable number of ending words) ~ $100 = 80,000-119,999 words ~ $150 = 120,000-149,999 words ~ $200 = 150,000-199,999 words ~ $250 = above 200 000 words BOOK INFORMATION 1. Requires 5k words to implement contract 2. Takes 15 days in review 3. What genre are we looking for? * fiction writing, including but not limited to romance, adventure, fantasy, except fan-fiction. Like, werewolf or billionaire. better with tropes such as rejection or betrayal, second chances, marriage contracts, secret babies, etc. 4. Time used (UTC+0) 5. Payment methods via Paypal and bank 6. minimun withdrawl $100 INTERESTED? I WILL SEND YOU A GUIDE TO SUBMITTING YOUR WORK

Hallo @sheiiillaa maaf ya baru baca pesannya. Kalau letterlux ini khusus naskah bahasa inggris ya kka?