At this point, I’m just kinda over the whole labels thing. Especially on gender. It’s a hassle at this point. You say “he/they” pronouns and you’re a boy, but no I just don’t want to feel the dysphoria of she/her (pronouns of which I don’t always hate). And no I’m not genderfluid, yes my connection to genders changes but it varies between the same bits over and over. You don’t compare a rotisserie chicken to the flow of a river now do you?

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Don’t get me started with sexuality. I generally just say “I like people”, but then people are just like “oh so you’re this” and it’s like no, there’s a reason I didn’t say that. I’m not pan, I’m not bi, I’m not poly. I just like people and can we leave it at that? If anything, I’m closest to being omni, but also demi, and somewhere on the ace spectrum. Hell, some days, I just don’t like men at all. The shit varies so stop trying to put a sticker on it to make it all pretty and neat.

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Closest thing I’ll accept as an accurate label is trans masc, but I always just end up saying I’m nonbinary. I feel like the more specific I get, the more annoying it is to explain. And I know it’s okay to just say “I don’t fuck with labels” but then that just leads to people using incorrect pronouns and I don’t need that.